ZK Whiteboard Sessions - Module Two 정리

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Building an efficient SNARK

  1. A functional commitment scheme ⇒ cryptographic object
  2. A suitable interactive oracle proof (IOP) ⇒ information theoretic object

(1) + (2) ⇒ (zk)SNARK for general circuits


Cryptographic commitment: emulates an envelope


  • \(commit(m,r) \rightarrow com\) (\(r\) choose at random)
  • \(verify(m,com,r) \rightarrow\) accept / reject


  • binding: commitment에 대해서 2가지의 유효한 *opening이 존재하지 않는다.
  • hiding: commitment는 data에 대해서 아무런 정보도 공개하지 않음
opening: 메시지 전부 혹은 일부를 공개하는 것

Committing to a Value

Fix a hash function \(H: M\times R \rightarrow C\)

  • \[commit(m,r): com:= H(m,r)\]
  • \(verify(m,com,r):\) accept if \(com=H(m,r)\)

Committing to a Function

Choose a family of functions \(F = \{ f: X \rightarrow Y \}\)


Prover가 Function family에 속하는 \(f\)에 대해서 commit 하려고 한다면 이를 \(com_f\)를 사용하여 commit 할 수 있고 Verifier는 \(com_f\)를 저장한다.

나중에 Verifier가 \(x\)에 대해서 \(f(x)\)값을 요구할때 Prover는 \(y\)와 함께 Proof \(\pi\)값을 주어 Verifier가 이를 검증할 수 있도록 한다.

Proof \(\pi\)는 \(f(x)=y\) and \(f \in F\) 임을 검증한다.

Committing to a Function: Syntax

A functional commitment scheme for \(F\):

  • \(setup(\lambda) \rightarrow pp\) (outputs public parameters \(pp)\)
  • \[commit(pp, f,r) \rightarrow com_f\]
    • commitment to \(f \in F\) with \(r \in R\) a binding (and *optionally hiding) commitment scheme for \(F\)
    optionally hiding: ZK일 경우 hiding까지 만족 해야함
  • \(eval\)(Prover P, verifier V): 주어진 \(com_f\) 와 \(x \in X,\) \(y \in Y\)에 대해서:

    P(\(pp, f,x,y,r) \rightarrow\) short proof \(\pi\)

    V(\(pp, com_f, x,y, \pi) \rightarrow\) accept/reject

  • a SNARK for the relation: \(f(x) =y\) and \(f \in F\) and \(commit(pp,f,r)= com_f\)

Examples of Functional Commitments

Polynomial commitments:

  • Committing to a univariate polynomial \(f(x)\) in \(\mathbb{F}_p^{(\leq d)}[X]\)
    • univariate polynomials of degree at most \(d\)

Multilinear commitments:

  • Commiting to a multilinear polynomial in \(\mathbb{F}_p^{(\leq 1)}[X_1,...,X_k]\)

Linear commitments:

  • Committing to a linear function \(f_{\overrightarrow{v}} (\overrightarrow{u})=<\overrightarrow{u},\overrightarrow{v}> = \Sigma^n_{i=i}u_iv_i\)

Polynomial Commitment Schemes (PCS)

A PCS is a functional commitment for the family \(F = \mathbb{F}_p^{(\leq d)}[X]\)

⇒ prover 는 단일 미지수 방정식 \(f\) in \(\mathbb{F}_p^{(\leq d)}[X]\) 를 commit할 수 있고, 이후에 public \(u,v \in \mathbb{F}_p\)에 대한 \(v = f(u)\) 를 검증할 수 있다.

KZG PCS Setup & Commitment

KZG (Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg’2010)

Group \(\mathbb{G} := \{0,G, 2*G,...,(p-1)*G \}\) of order \(p\)

\(setup(\lambda) \rightarrow pp\):

  • Sample random \(\alpha \in \mathbb{F}p\)
  • \[pp=(H_0=G, H_1=\alpha*G, ..., H_d=\alpha^d*G)\in \mathbb{G}^{d+1}\]
  • *delete \(\alpha\) (trusted setup)

    α를 지우지 않으면 유츌 되었을 때 이를 알고있는 다른 사람들이 가짜 proof를 생성할 수 있음

\(commit(pp,f) \rightarrow com_f\) where \(com_f := f(\alpha)*G \in \mathbb{G}\)

  • \[f(X) = f_0+f_1X+...+f_dX^d \rightarrow com_f = f_0*H_0+...+f_d*H_d\]
  • \[= f_0*G+f_1\alpha*G+...=f(\alpha)*G\]

=> α 없이 public parameter만 가지고 commitment를 검증할 수 있음

KZG PCS Evaluation




Goal: prove \(f(u)=v\)

\(f(u)=v \Leftrightarrow u\) is a root of \(\hat{f} = f-v \Leftrightarrow (X-u)\) divides \(\hat{f}\)

\(\Leftrightarrow\) exists \(q \in \mathbb{F}_p[X]\) such that \(q(X)*(X-u) = f(X)-v\)

compute \(q(X)\) and \(com_q\) → send \(\pi := com_q \in \mathbb{G}\) to verifier

accept if \((\alpha-u)*com_q = com_f-v*G\)

=> Verifier는 α를 알지 못하는데 어떻게 이를 계산하여 검증할까? => pairing을 사용하여 계산할 수 있음

KZG PCS Generalizations


  • KZG for committing to k-variate polynomials, buy eval proof size is k group elements
  • Batch proofs
    • suppose verifier has commitments .\(com_{f1}, ... com_{f_n}\)
    • prover wants to prove \(f_i(u_{i,j})=v_{i,j}\) for \(i \in [n], j \in [m]\) ⇒ batch proof \(\pi\) is one or two group elements

Dory PCS

Difficulties with KZG: trusted setup for \(pp\), and \(pp\) size is linear in \(d\)


  • transparent setup: no secret randomness in setup
  • \(com_f\) is a single group element (independent of degree \(d)\)
  • evel proof size for \(f \in \mathbb{f}_p^{(\leq d)}[X]\) is \(O(logd)\) group elementes
  • eval verify time is \(O(logd)\)
  • Prover time: \(O(d)\)

Polynomial IOP Setup

Let \(C(x,w)\) be some arithmetic circuit.

Let \(x \in \mathbb{F}_p^n\)

Poly-IOP: a proof system that proves \(\exists w:C(x,w) =0\) as follows:

  • \(setup(C) \rightarrow\) public parameters \(S_p\) and \(S_v =(f_0, f_{-1},...,f_{-s})\)

Polynomial IOP Evaluation


Polynomial IOP Properties

  • Complete: if \(\exists w:C(x,w)=0\) thet verifier always accepts
  • Knowledge sound: (informal) Let \(x \in \mathbb{F}_p^n\) for every \(P^*\) that convince the verifier with prob. \(\geq 1/10^6\) there is an efficient extractor \(E\) such that \(Pr[E(x,f_1,r_1,...r_{t-1},f_t) \rightarrow w]\) such that \(C(x,w)=0] \geq 1/10^e -\epsilon\)

  • Optional: zero-knowledge

The Resulting SNARK

\((t,q)\) Poly-IOP: \(t:=\) number of polys. committed,

\(q :=\) number of eval queries in verify ( usually \(t,q \leq 3\) )


  • Prover sends t poly commitments
  • During poly-IOP verify: run PCS evel protocol q times
  • Use flat-Shamir transform to make the proof system non-interactive

  • Length of SNARK proof: t poly-commits + q evel proofs
  • Verifier time: q * time(evel verify) + time(IOP-verify)
  • Prover time: t * time(commit) + q * time(prove) + time(IOP-prover)